N.T. Wright Addresses Dallas Clergy

    11.16.16 | by The Rev. Will Brown

    N.T. Wright, quondam Bishop of Durham in the Church of England, and world-renowned scripture scholar, addressed a gathering of the clergy of the Episcopal Diocese of Dallas on Tuesday at the Church of the Incarnation in Dallas. Wright expounded...

      Farewell Message From Dabney Dwyer

      11.09.16 | by Dabney Dwyer

      Dear Friends, Most of you know that after the end of the year, I will no longer be working for the Diocese. I am so grateful and want to thank the Missional Church Commission for their service over the years. There are currently seven members...

        Post-Election Reconciliation


        Join Saint Michael and All Angels in a Post-Election Reconciliation Forum, scheduled for 10 a.m., November 13. After a divisive and negative election campaign, the forum will address reconciliation in the aftermath of a contentious presidential...

          Ambassadors Awake: Share Your Faith

          11.08.16 | by Carrie Headington

          The diocese has launched a new program, Ambassadors Awake: Sharing Faith in Daily life. More than 85 percent people visit a church and come to faith in Jesus Christ through a relationship with a friend or family member. We are all called to be...

            The Christian Hope


            This week, we found ourselves in exile in Babylon along with the southern kingdom of Judah. The southern kingdom, comprising the tribes of Benjamin and Judah and including the city of Jerusalem, managed to stay independent longer than their...

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