A Time to Open Our Eyes

    02.25.16 | by Dabney Dwyer

    Lent is upon us. It is a time for reflection, self-examination, penitence and hope. Many of us have committed to giving up something during these holy forty days such as chocolate, alcohol, or other common enjoyable habits. But have we considered...

      Perkins Laity Classes Scheduled


      PERKINS THEOLOGICAL SCHOOL FOR THE LAITY SCHEDULED FOR MARCH 3-5, 2016 CitySquare CEO Larry James to deliver keynote presentation; Perkins faculty to teach daily courses DALLAS (SMU) – A keynote question-and-answer session with CitySquare...

        Tornado Recovery

        02.17.16 | by The Rev. J.D. Brown

        From the Rev. J. D. Brown, Holy Trinity in Garland: In the wake of the recent tornadoes that ravaged the North Texas region the day after Christmas, Holy Trinity in Garland will host 15 students from Minnesota State University, who are visiting...

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