Drive-by Food Pickup

    04.29.20 | Homepage | by The Rev. Debra Vela

    The children we serve in the Ferguson Road East Dallas community are from refugee/migrant families. This is our third year to offer summer meals. In the years before, we offered music, art and ballet classes along with an ESL/reading program...

      Comfort Cooking From Clergy: Part 1

      04.23.20 | Homepage | by Kimberly Durnan

      Recipes from grandma’s kitchen, tractor magazines and other cozy places are ushering us through this season of quarantine as folks seek comfort in home-cooking. Here’s the first installment of a smattering of clergy favorites as they...

        Mission Moment

        04.15.20 | Homepage | by Canon Carrie Boren Headington

        The Episcopal Diocese of Dallas has fed and provided basic necessities  for thousands of families in need in these weeks of quarantine. This work is carried out  in partnership with the Greater Dallas Coalition, a ministry gathering...

          Episcopal Health Foundation of Dallas Offers Grant

          04.15.20 | Homepage

          The grant application for the Episcopal Health Foundation of Dallas (formerly Gaston Episcopal Hospital Foundation) will open May 1 with a deadline of July 31. The primary mission of the Episcopal Health Foundation of Dallas is to make grants for...

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