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    03.15.19 | Homepage

    Church of the Incarnation has created a professional concert choir that will combine 12 professional singers from the church choir with 12 professional singers from the region.  The first concert is schedule for 8 p.m., March 29, and will...

      Scholarship Opportunity

      03.15.19 | Homepage

      Due to a generous bequest, the Episcopal Diocese of Dallas administers a trust fund that grants scholarships to students attending Episcopal schools, including colleges and K-12 schools. Applications for the Lawrence-Blake scholarship are due...

        Iconographer Offers Icon Workshop

        03.12.19 | Homepage

        Learn how to paint icons with master iconographer and expert instructor Theodoros Papadopoulos who will guide you step by step through the ancient techniques of Byzantine Iconogrpahy. Whether you are a beginner or a professional this workshop...

          The Brotherhood of St. Andrew Shrove Tuesday Dinner

          02.28.19 | Homepage

          Please join The Brotherhood of St. Andrew and the Men of Saint Michael (MOSM) for the annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake and Gumbo Supper on March 5, 2019. This year adding to the great food, family and friends we will be joined by Patriot PAWS. Come...

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