Ecumenical Partnerships: "Jesus Powerfully Present"
On a June day that reached 100 degrees, members of St. Matthew’s Cathedral and True Lee Missionary Baptist Church marched together for the Juneteenth...
On a June day that reached 100 degrees, members of St. Matthew’s Cathedral and True Lee Missionary Baptist Church marched together for the Juneteenth...
Parish Leadership Day brought together more than 150 Episcopalians from throughout the diocese to enjoy a day of worship, learning and fellowship. The event started with morning prayer, a commentary on leading a strong children’s ministry...
For a combined total of 78 years, Father George and Deacon Diana Luck taught theology to aspiring deacons, priests and laypeople at the Cathedral Church of Saint Matthew. The couple were called to the teaching arm of the Episcopal Diocese of...
Evangelism, the sharing of the Good News of Jesus Christ, must address the cultural, economic, and political context of the community if it is to be relevant and effective. This is the thrust of a new course – Good News to Share &ndash...
The Rt. Rev. Dr. Eliud Wabukala has been a tutor at St. Paul’s Theological College, Limuru, Kenya, the bishop of Bungoma, the primate of Kenya, and the chair of the national anti-corruption commission. He and his wife are visiting with us...
This past week, we read about Jonah and the calling of Jesus’s first disciples. The Holy Spirit spoke to me through both passages regarding summer camp. Poor Jonah tried running from God’s call. He ended up in the belly of the whale...