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    New Urdu-Hindi Service

    06.17.21 | Homepage | by Kimberly Durnan

    The Diocese welcomes a new congregation to its fold with the addition of a group of about 30 worshippers who are from Pakistan or India, and those from families who are first generation. They worship in the language of Urdu-Hindi at Church of the...

      World Refugee Day 2021

      06.17.21 | Homepage

      The United Nations designated June 20 as international World Refugee Day in recognition of the courage and strength of people who must flee their home country to escape conflict. First held in 2001, World Refugee Day “is an occasion to...

        Missions Day 2021 -- Link and Sermon

        06.09.21 | Homepage

        Click Here for the Link to video for Missions Day 2021            Bishop George Sumner's Sermon for Mission's Day: Diane Stanton was not able to be with us this morning, and we pray that she would be feeling...

          St. Matthias Fourth of July Service

          05.27.21 | Homepage

          St. Matthias Episcopal Church in Athens is planning the ultimate retro Sunday worship service to celebrate the Fourth of July, which lands on a Sunday this year. The congregation will use prayers from the 1662 Book of Common Prayer which was...

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