Webinar to understand refugee anxiety


    A webinar on refugee and immigrant anxiety mid-September aims to help participants identify and minister to the emotional needs of the people they assist. Refugees and Immigrants: Examining Anxiety will shed light on the struggles...

      College Student Retreat

      09.28.15 | by Daniel Allen

      College students from across the diocese will gather for a prayerful and relaxing retreat on scenic Lake Texoma October 23-25. The theme for the retreat is “The Prayerful Life.” Workshops include: Praying the Daily Office; Praying...

        Upcoming Cursillo Events


        The Cursillo Community wants you!  Cursillo is a movement of the Episcopal Church. The Cursillo weekend is a time for renewal and reflection on your commitment to living for Christ. The weekend consists of short lectures given by...

          The Consecration


          Click here for a live video stream of the consecration.  The Consecration of Bishop-elect George Sumner as the 7th bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Dallas is scheduled for 11 a.m., Nov. 14 at the First United Methodist Church of Dallas...

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