The Lion Diocese

    11.26.20 | Homepage

          View this post on Instagram       A post shared by Diocese Of Newbussa (@theliondiocese)

      Honduras Outreach

      11.20.20 | Homepage | by The Rt. Rev. George Sumner

      Dear Brothers and Sisters, Greetings in our Lord Jesus Christ. Our friends in Honduras need our help.  In only 15 days Hurricane Eta and Hurricane Iota struck Honduras, leaving hundreds of thousands homeless. Homes were flooded and...

        Advent Devotional

        11.19.20 | Homepage

        [Bible Study Media,] a Christian curriculum publishing ministry and 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, released a new four-week Advent study, called Hope-Peace-Love-Joy, written by Marcia Hotchkiss and Gilda Hurst...

          EDOD Convention 2020

          11.06.20 | Homepage | by Kimberly Durnan

          In this 125th year of the diocese, the convention moved online as the threat of the Covid pandemic forced social distancing for the approximate 400 delegates and clergy. Morning Prayer was recorded from various outposts of the diocese, and...

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