Grouped by: Homepage

    Summer Youth Camp 2023

    01.20.23 | Homepage

    Start planning now for your youth's summer camping experience. Here are the details for a session at Camp All Saints:  Camp dates and camper age info is as follows: Session 1 - June 11-17 (all ages) Deans: Dean Rob Price, Mother...

      Episcopal Foundation of Dallas Grants 2023

      01.20.23 | Homepage

      The grant application for the Episcopal Foundation of Dallas will open on February 1, 2023 and can be accessed online.  The deadline for receipt of applications is shortened and is now March 31, 2023.  In addition to providing...

        From Egypt with Love, 2

        01.20.23 | Homepage

        From Jeff and Jenn on mission in Egypt with the family: Things have been busy.  Our kids were off school for about a month.  Much of our time was taken up with keeping them occupied — going down south to see the temples and so...

          Benedictine Retreat April/May 2023

          01.13.23 | Homepage

          REGISTRATION HERE Join Bishop Michael Smith, Canon Carrie Headington, Spiritual Director Pat Stone, and Father Bob Corley for 48 hours of retreat on April 30 to May 2, at the Prothro Center in Pottsboro.  There will be time for prayer...

            Joint DOK/ECW Province Gathering

            01.13.23 | Homepage

            All Episcopal women are invited to attend the Joint DOK/ECW Province VII Hybrid Gathering at the Church of the Transfiguration in Dallas, TX February 24-25-2023. The Rev. Canon Stephanie Spellers and The Rev. Canon Carrie...

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