Grouped by: Homepage

    What to do About Increased Demand for Food

    07.09.20 | Homepage

    Join Faith Community Hunger Solutions Action Team for a zoom meeting to discuss resources for the increased demand for food and new best practices for procurement and distribution in the time of Covid. Sign Up Here.

      Online Discernment Retreat

      07.01.20 | Homepage

      We are so pleased you have expressed an interest in the 2020 Discernment Retreat of the Episcopal Diocese of Dallas. This year’s online-only retreat is scheduled for August 9-10, 2020. Traditionally, this event is held at a retreat...

        Talking With Your Congregation About Race and Racism

        06.25.20 | Homepage

        Clergy and Lay Continuing Education Event 10 a.m., July 9 via zoom  Facilitated by the Rev. Dr. Matthew Burdette and Canon Evangelist Carrie Headington Join us for a zoom presentation on how to faithfully respond to conversations about...

          Supporting Families Emotionally Through Covid-19

          06.25.20 | Homepage

          The Episcopal Churches in Collin County are partnering with psychologists to provide group zoom calls, video content and other resources to help people deal with stressors during these difficult days of the pandemic.  They have created a...

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