Showing items filed under “The Rt. Rev. George Sumner”

How to Hear a Sermon Part 1

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I think most clergy of the Diocese of Dallas are good preachers... I think, because I never actually hear them when I pray Sunday by Sunday.  I know from my own experience as a preacher that I have Sundays when the sermon hits the mark, and others that don't, some doubles to left center, and other weak grounders too short! I have also learned over almost 40 years that the ones I like and the ones that speak to people are different, and that what speaks cannot be predicted.  Once I speak them I have to let go of them.  But congregations have a right every Sunday to expect that I, and your pastor, have prepared.  But just as preaching is a calling and a task, so is hearing a sermon. The congregant must be an active listener who seeks to take hold of what I am struggling to say and apply it to his or her life.  What other kinds of assumptions support this spiritual task of hearing a sermon? When I was in college my teacher of New Testament, Dean Krister Stendahl of Harvard Divinity has his 10 Commandments of Preaching, whose entries Never preach on lovebecause you will be misunderstood and You are responsible for what was heard not what you meant could be blogs of their own. Let me try to put forth 10 of my own guidelines, assumptions that conduce to profitable listening. 

  1. Every sermon must be 51 percent good news - bishop Paul Marshall. The important thing in this aphorism is what is meant by good news. That makes the rule more than a preference for cheeriness, which is surely unfounded in our world. Gospel declares a fact about history and the world, namely that what Jesus Christ has done has changed things. Now a sermon may describe in a thousand ways how that deed changes how you should think about politics, ethics, emotions, social relations, etc. But it is not primarily opining on these things. 


  1. Sermons should help us hear what God is saying to us, hear and now, through a passage of scripture. Taking this seriously is quite radical, and should offend our secular mind. God can and does speak to us, and that is why the Bible is called the Word of God. Now explaining the context and details of the ancient world, etc. may help us hear this address, but is only meant to subserve it. 


  1. 1 and 2 are fortunate, since none of our lives are interesting enough to sustain a congregation's attention more than a couple of months!  Now this is tricky since the preacher must recall that he or she is one more hearer too, in the same boat as the congregation when it comes to life and death. So in some way we address sermons to ourselves, the congregation overhearing - in this way we are assured that they matter to us. But they cannot be self-involved, narcissistic or publicly therapeutic. 


  1. The medievals were right:  all sermons, one way or another, have explicatio/ meditatio/ applicatio.  Of the making of books with sermon prep methods there is no end. Sermons can be thematic, expository, narrative, participatory, and on and on. It is probably good for the parish priest to change it up. But I reckon they all have these moments: some explanation of what the passage is actually about, some reflection about how this relates to what Jesus on the cross and out of the tomb has changed my circumstance, and how seeing that anew would change how I lead my life. Those three are paraphrases of the Latin words from the Benedictine tradition. 

To be continued….



El Blog Oaxaceno Primero

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Certamente Oaxaca gustan las paradas- de artesenales, estudiantes, de Los barrios con sus bandas y flotadores de la Virgen o su santo, de los monos comicos, de los trabajadores protestantes. La experiencia de la fiesta se relaciona con paradar, caminar, desfilar.  

En Nuestra traducion de liturgia tenemos procesiones y quedados de procesiones antiguos. Piensen del dia de rogacion o el Domingo de las Palmas, pero el initio y el fin de cado servicio es como un procesionito.

Que significa la procesion generalmente? Es un simbolo pequeno y practicar de la vida hasta su fin- muerte y el misterio . Por in cristiano significa se el cambino hasta el reino de Cristo.  Cado dia comparte con  historia grande  de salvacion en la forma de la procesion. El enfasis de la teologia Nueva de el Sinodo Vaticano dos era la Iglesia como la gente de Israel Nuevo caminando - este es un pensamiento similar con el procesion. En la traducion un nombre por la Santa communion, 'viatico', una palabra en Espanol tambien, significa 'un pocito comida por el viaje'.

Ojala recuentemos la spiritualidad de la procesion juntos con su uso liturgico y su vision de la Iglesia moviendo, y listo para viajar sin muchas equipajes.



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Complete the Race (II Timothy 4:17)

At the end of our vacation we find ourselves in Chicago for its Marathon weekend (the fastest, I have read this morning, perhaps because it is cool and relatively level). Marathons offer many good things. You can see world-class athletes from places like Ethiopia and Kenya. There is a feel of fiesta with signs by family members, getups by some for-fun runners, and food for sale.

But as I looked out my hotel window at 7:30 a.m., I watched the race of competitors who have lost legs or their use. Wheeling vehicles by arm for 26 miles means serious fitness and determination.

Those competitors were to me, this morning, a symbol of the Church too. For each is wounded. The larger family cheers them on. Each by grace has risen up to run the race. Ahead is the goal, the prize, the welcome home. We find the companionship of Jesus the Lord, there, and along the route too.
